Native Seed Group Brand

Our Frequently Asked Questions

Click through our FAQs for seeding tips and info on Hedgerow Farms!

The best time to plant native annual wildflower seeds is just before several days of rainfall. Depending on the year, the window for planting can be any time between late September and early February. The most effective strategy is to put the seed in the soil a few days before the rain. After seeding, check the top 0.5 inch of soil for moisture, and keep the top 0.5 inch layer moist with irrigation until the plants haver grown past the seedling stage (about 4 to 6 weeks). Once past the seedling stage, your annuals will need only a little irrigation. Water only if you notice the plants start to droop.

For perennials, your window to seed is a little longer. You can plant year round, but we recommend skipping the hottest months of summer. Follow the same recommendations for annuals above until your plants have grown past the seedling stage. Once your perennial has grown larger (<6 inches) we recommend continuing to irrigate for the first year of establishment. In May-November, it is best to apply water every other day. December through April you can water every 3rd day. Of course, you can skip watering on the days that you get .25 inches of rain or more. Once the roots are deep enough to hit the water table, perennials will be able to draw up groundwater and irrigation will only be necessary 1-2 x per week in the fall and winter seasons.

You’ll need to rake all leaves away and make sure you have a clean soil surface to seed into. Don’t seed directly onto mulch or plant material– the seed will need to make direct contact with the soil.  Rake the soil surface to get it as rough as possible, so there are lots of little nooks and crannies for the seed to fall into! Seed won’t germinate well if it is sitting on top of hard smooth compacted soil.


Sprinkle your seed lightly onto the soil surface and gently rake soil over the seed. The seed likes to be at the surface, don’t plant too deeply! Water very lightly to help stick the seed to the soil. Follow the above watering instructions to keep the top layer of soil moist until seedlings have matured.

The best time to do weed control is before sowing your native seeds. We recommend doing a year or more of weed control before planting your native seed.

You can apply a very thin (<0.25 inches) layer of fine wood or straw mulch immediately after seeding to protect the seeds if you are concerned about erosion or soil moisture. This is not a necessary step, and many seeds do fine without mulch.

You are always welcome to stop by on the side of the road on County Road 88 to see our blooms. Please do not enter the fields if you come on your own. If you would like to set up a private or group tour please email or call (510) 551-5786 to schedule a visit.