Complex Native Seed Solutions for Commercial Markets
Serving Customers Throughout California Since 1985

Federal & State
Project: Butte Fire Revegetation
Date: 2015
In the aftermath of the 2015 Butte Fire, we assisted Cal Fire and East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) in reseeding 64 acres of severely burned soil with a custom-designed mix of native grasses and forbs. We used this as an opportunity to collaborate with EBMUD to experimentally test two seeding methods, Fall seeding with straw mulch and late Winter seeding with wood mulch. Both treatments resulted in significantly reduced sediment erosion compared to the unseeded control areas. Read more about this effort and the published scientific findings here.
Counties &
Project: SFPUC
Date: Ongoing
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC): Since 2021, we have worked under contract with the SFPUC to collect wildland native seed from the Crystal Springs Reservoir in San Mateo County, to be used in on-site mitigation projects. We have delivered over 300 pounds of wildland-collected seed and provided ongoing consultation on seed mix design.

Project: University of California Davis: Rewilding Society
Date: Fall 2022
The U.C. Davis Rewilding Society works to convert neglected spaces into native habitat gardens. In Fall 2022 we provided seeds to this group in order to convert several areas to native wildflower meadows. The resulting meadows attracted many new species of native bees this spring, including a queen of the endangered bumblebee Bombus crotchii.
Project: Tierramor Landscapes Designs
Date: 2022
Miriam Martin of Tierramor Landscape Designs helps small landowners and ranchers in Portola Valley and Los Altos restore their degraded pastures. This year, she helped restore a degraded horse pasture to a vibrant native meadow using patience, mulch, weeding, and native grass seeds from Hedgerow Farms. This property is important habitat for raptors, owls, and CA quail.

Project: Elk River Restoration
Date: 2022
We worked with Samara Restoration on a custom collections project for the City of Eureka. The Elk River Restoration project consisted of a tidal wetland reconnection and revegetation project. We worked with Samara Restoration to identify and collect seed from local source populations of 15 native species of grasses and forbs. We also consulted on seed mixes drawing from on-hand inventory stock for a total delivery of 600lbs of site-specific native seed.
Energy projects provide opportunities to increase native habitat while providing erosion control and soil remediation services. We work with several major energy companies to design custom native seed mixes for projects such as solar farms, wind farms, and hydropower dams that take into account specific energy project requirements (plant height, shade/sun, low irrigation, habitat mitigation, etc).